Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Yellow Pot
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The art of being...staying in FOCUS
This piece of art began with the desire to clean my watercolor intent to relax, to play. I did relax, I did play...but a little watercolor goes a very very long way!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
A Matter of Time

However, at the time his image was captured, he was working on a railroad. His foot was injured so severely that it tore open his shoe. He eventually died from the injury.
We never met... until now.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
"The Performance"

happens now and again under the bridges of Barrett & Nobottom Roads.
...everyone is usually there when it does.
My make-believe parents wouldn't have missed it for anything! ...even my little self and
my little chum were able to find room to watch.
It is usually very crowded.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
"Remembering My Make-Believe Parents"

(July 2009)
They and only they referred to one another as Bet and Bill. To me they were mom and pop, and I was their little offshoot, munchkin, third pea in the pod. Life wasn't necessarily quiet, but it sure was serene. So much of our lives spent at the small cottage at the edge of the shore's stoney beach. Mom always painting, pop always writing...the glow of lamplight in the night, me on the little screened porch watching the fireflies flicker in time to pop's typing.
He always signed his notes to always my sweet Bet...your Hemingway
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
"Under & Overload"

Nikki Soppelsa
The prospectus of this annual show requires artists to pair up and 'rip off' one another's work in their own/chosen medium. You can see why I approached him for this show! His art is vibrant with juicy colors and this bold painting jumped right out at me. I tried to capture the texture/shading of his oils with a variety of textured/found papers (including some of my watercolor scraps) and another 'layer' presented itself giving the piece another dimension.
I have been staring at this off and on since April...his painting while I studied it and then mine for all the time it took to create it. I have not tired of looking at either one! There are so many smaller works of art within the whole and even more inbetween and overlapping. ...and the colors are just so brilliant!
Paul combined two of my watercolors Fish Fry and Rainbow Trout creating an oil painting Fish Eyes View. Serene, yet, again vibrant in color and not only a wonderful play with light (the fish appear illuminated), but also with his original captivation...the eyes.
I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge, the process and am more than pleased with our results!
(Thank you Popi!)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
WHAT'Z in the B.Day Box...(click)

Today is the Canon Fairy's 55th B.Day...her B.Day box with embellishments to commemorate.
B.Day card also with embellishments and a fragment of apropos vintage sheet music:
"...This fancy swishin' in position wears out all of my transmissions ammunition!"
(click on the pics to enlarge)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
I seem to have won an award for this...(I am wow'd!)
my entry for the National Collage Society's "Wish You Were Here" postcard show...on view at the Butler Institute of Art, Ohio
(05.10.09 - 06.12.09)
Western Colorado Center for the Arts
(07.01.09 - 07.25.09)
A place to pause, to rest, to meet and remember... to wish.
I'm not certain if their timely arrival was merely by chance or by design. There is a hint of both while we watch the four in stillness.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Patron's & Member's Mention

The "Art" of Recycling
(05.08.09 "Woman 2009" rec'd Patron's Mention on
...always traveling a road paved with deals and offers, her head swims with home, food, life, the world... and all the while, looking for the best deal, trying to save a buck. She's so efficient, she's received the much deserved "Best Buy" award. WOW!
And what a woman she is too...she has skillfully recycled and 'pieced' together a wardrobe that is not only color coordinated, but complimentary as well. The 'burger' bird sings her praises!
...a handwoven shopping tote, a necklace of tomatoes, garlic clove 'bling', "Same as Cash" sash, a pleated skirt with plenty to read and pumps fashioned from plump little "O" steaks. Her 'hair' is adorned with 'real' mini versions of my full-size, Junk Mail Hairsticks. Her luscious lips cut free-form...she's a natural.
Created specifically for the "Junk Mail" Show on ... other than the black background board and the two tiny pieces of bamboo stick, the collage is (otherwise) entirely made from my limit of one piece of junk mail...which presented me with more thought, more challenge and ample material to create the human-size hair sticks below.
(05.08.09 Hairsticks rec'd Member's Mention on
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Cahier of...MY ALTeRed ArT & CoLLaGe

This art generates a great deal of paper, but it also utilizes the remnants and what others most likely discard. The 'trash' is so minimal, slivers and the tiniest bits.
The components of the cover utilize images printed for other collages already completed and for some yet to come...little pieces cut out that I just couldn't work in elsewhere and some images just for the fun of the doing!
The back cover (not pic'd here) has barely 'a thing' and may or may not develop more. The front feels done, but that may change...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

and a tarot card (another collection), the Queen of Cups, enhanced to depict the interests and humor of a friend--more humor on the obverse, a memory of our summer adventures.
Cat, wirework, buttons, stamps and playing cards. The latter also a collection although what is being used for this purpose, while vintage, purchased for this purpose.
The playing card takes on 'interest' when altered, embellished, enhanced.
A Woman in the House

"A Woman in the House"
A multitude of treasures, messages (and technique) not only cover the book, but are secreted within (just a sampling shown above) and all representational of how wonderful it is to be a woman and the friendship of women.
A comment on the art of the Altered Book...As a collector of books and taught as a child by my godmother to have respect/care for books, I found the selection for sacrifice difficult. Once the book was selected specifically for this purpose AND the intial tearing/cutting was done, I found such a freedom, a flow of creativity that I wasn't certain it would end. As I worked through the book, I came to the back/inside cover and felt comfortable, ready in ending the project...and more so, in giving this away...releasing it.
I found that the book had not really been sacrificed as I maintained the original theme and there are elements of this book still quite discernable. No longer does the book reside amongst shelves of discarded reading... rearranged, altered into another art form, it now resides, respectfully, on a shelf of its own.
(While the content of this book is meaningful, it is not necessarily personal. The process of making it was. I anticipate making my second which was to have been my first. Most of the elements have been gathered and for some time too. I think because the contents of this 'the next' are personal, I have been thinking/working up to the doing. I may set this one off to sea upon its completion!)

The background image is one of my 'tree/sky' photos...the remaining imagery is filled with message, memory, humor...depicting what I've come to know of her (including her beloved Rascal) and aspects of a friendship which I am delighted to have.