The "Art" of Recycling
(05.08.09 "Woman 2009" rec'd Patron's Mention on EBSQArt.com)
...always traveling a road paved with deals and offers, her head swims with home, food, life, the world... and all the while, looking for the best deal, trying to save a buck. She's so efficient, she's received the much deserved "Best Buy" award. WOW!
And what a woman she is too...she has skillfully recycled and 'pieced' together a wardrobe that is not only color coordinated, but complimentary as well. The 'burger' bird sings her praises!
...a handwoven shopping tote, a necklace of tomatoes, garlic clove 'bling', "Same as Cash" sash, a pleated skirt with plenty to read and pumps fashioned from plump little "O" steaks. Her 'hair' is adorned with 'real' mini versions of my full-size, Junk Mail Hairsticks. Her luscious lips cut free-form...she's a natural.
Created specifically for the "Junk Mail" Show on EBSQArt.com ... other than the black background board and the two tiny pieces of bamboo stick, the collage is (otherwise) entirely made from my limit of one piece of junk mail...which presented me with more thought, more challenge and ample material to create the human-size hair sticks below.
(05.08.09 Hairsticks rec'd Member's Mention on EBSQ.Art.com)